Building your BRAND with Professional Headshot Portraits
Professional headshots aren’t just for Hollywood hopefuls anymore. In our social-media-savvy world, people of all professions communicate who they are and the brand of their business with a great headshot.
Like it or not, professional headshots are a necessity. They are displayed on your your website's "About Us" page, LinkedIn & Facebook profile, Google+, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest. Realtors even use on their business cards. My insurance agent uses the headshot I created for her in her email signature...and she even had on a billboard!
For many companies, potential clients may first interact with you over the internet, not in person. They "meet" us online. Your headshot is now your virtual handshake. An amateur photograph, or one taken at a convention in a photobooth, may give the impression of a 'weak grip' and make your client wonder if they can trust you with their business. A professional headshot with a photographer that spends time with you and ensures you receive the best image (which includes more than 'snapping' the camera by the way--lighting, pose, retouching) is like a FIRM, strong handshake. It reassures your potential clients that you take your work seriously and are experienced in your field and not just a fly-by-night salesperson who may be gone tomorrow.
What are you trying to communicate with your headshot? Is your headshot a weak or firm handshake? I hope it is the later, but if not call me at 843-338-0843 and I can help...and take the time it needs to turn your image into a solid, friendly, honest handshake.
Need a HEADSHOT? See more on our Winter Headshot Special below!

Just see what our clients have said about how easy it is.
It’s time again, for our annual Headshot Special. Get your fresh new look for your online profile and business needs.
But hurry as our Headshot Special is only here until March 31st. Contact Kellie today and your session is $100 off our regular session fee.
Does your staff need updated headshots? Save even more with group rates, contact me for details.
You’ll receive a beautifully retouched image file with unrestricted usage rights for all your marketing collateral, brochures and website. Perfect for business cards, newsletters, professional LinkedIn profile, Facebook, modeling and acting. One’s not enough, talk to us about purchasing multiple shots.
Bluffton Headshots photographer, Hilton Head Photographer, Kellie McCann specializes in Headshots, family portraits, high school senior portraits and children’s portraits.
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