I think I am becoming known as the Canadian Passport Service in Bluffton.
I'm not complaining! I love providing this service for our local dual citizenship residents. Did you know that if you are a Canadian, you need a professional photographer to photograph you for your Canadian Passport photo? You are not as lucky as the US born citizens...we can go to the local Walgreens or the Post Office...for a quick photo...however dull and grey that white background will be. Apparently US Passports will pass with not so great light
ing, but you guys need the professional touch for your passport photo experience...and I can do that for you!

My Latest Client Gerry has tried numerous times for his Canadian passport photo to be approved...but the headshots he had created at other locations have been REJECTED! This one wont be, as I have had a great track record at creating and providing Canadian passport photos that routinely PASS as we have our system down to a science.

Some info on Canadian Passports from the internet:
The requirements for passport photos in Canada are different from those in the United States and other countries. Photos must be taken in person by a commercial photographer (this means not your local drug store chain) and must comply with the Government of Canada's Passport Program photo requirements. If not, your application will be rejected.
- Photos will be valid for six months from the date they were taken (currently 12 months).
- Tinted eye glasses cannot be worn.
- Taken with a neutral facial expression (eyes open and clearly visible, mouth closed, no smiling).
- Taken with uniform lighting and not show shadows, glare or flash reflections.
- Taken straight on, with face and shoulders centered and squared to the camera.
- Taken in front of a plain white or light-coloured background with a clear difference between your face and the background. Photos must reflect/represent natural skin tones
- Shadows are not acceptable. Lighting must be uniform to avoid shadows across the face or shoulders, around the ears or in the background.

If you are Canadian or know someone that is Canadian...let them know I can help when it's time to update their passport with images that will pass government standards! I also trim the images to size specs and include the information on the back of the photo that is required by the Canadian Government.
Canadian Passport Photographer, Bluffton Headshots photographer, Hilton Head Photographer, Kellie McCann specializes in Headshots, family portraits, high school senior portraits and children’s portraits.
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